- I truly believe God sent this very special and perfect fit for me, life coach, Lisa Ghost. On our first call we talked generally about what my goals were, what I wanted from the sessions and basically just got to know each other a little bit. With each session we ended with action steps for myself to complete in the upcoming week. What I liked about it and didn't expect was that we worked together to come up with solutions to my current problems and unbalanced life. Lisa never told me what to do, which is what I assumed a life coach would do.....But the word 'coach' is just that...they coach you and encourage you and cheer you on and assist in helping you figure out what comes next. Lisa was very good at hearing me, not just listening, but she heard me when I talked about my insecurities and fears, she prayed with me and for me. She also related to me and shared some of her wisdom from her own experiences. With each week there were subtle changes in the way I approached things. I became more conscious of my actions....It was noticeable by the time my next session came up that I was changing. Each week I felt closer to Lisa, like we had a real connection, we had become friends. Last night we had our last session. We had an amazing conversation... I could feel the shift of change from when we first spoke 6 weeks earlier. I am using the tools she provided to get a handle on my finances, my relationships, my management of time and my relationship with God. As I write this testimonial, I wonder how just 6 short weeks could change my thinking and give me a new outlook on life in general. Lisa is an amazing coach, a real, easy to relate to human being and a wonderful child of God. I wish I could bottle her and give her to everyone I know. I highly recommend Lisa for life coaching sessions. ~ Ginger
- I want you to know that I have progressed much because of all you have given me. I have used the tools you have given me and have remembered your words of wisdom and encouragement and continuously draw upon them. I shall never forget such kindness and generosity as you have shown me. I feel I could never repay you, so I pray for you to the One who is capable of all. ~ Esther
- I feel so blessed to have gotten connected to Lisa. I am so humbled that she would desire to continue coaching me and have already found our relationship invaluable! I tweeted that I love my life coach today! ~ Lindsey
- I just wanted to tell you that the session yesterday was very helpful. Thank you for your patience, sharing and encouragement. ~ Lucy